Friday, July 13, 2007

JOURNAL: for the sake of clarity

One of my brothers (I have several, blood, foster, step etc) or, to be more exact the brother who follows me in birth order, has complained that he reads my blog but doesnt understand a word of what its about. So, in plain english, this blog is an experiment. Well, several.

1. to get back to writing creatively again (so it has prose and narrative and poetry).
2. to act as a blue-print to a little astral space i'm working on and to use YOUR energy in helping me build it as you visualize it when you read about it.
3. feed-back for 1 and 2 (but that hasnt gone so well it seems)
4. archive space for a book I am working on Goddesses and witches of the world, a medium term project.

and its all mixed together, which is why it may not make sense if you think blogs are all about what actually-factually-on-the-earth-plane HAPPENED on x or y day. Part of the fun is letting you work out what actually happens like that, what happened actually in the past in this life, what are memories of other lives and what is sheer narrative made up by me. Woe betide the mortal who believes the love stuff relates to him/her in particular, that would be to completely ignore that I am polyamorous and to give yourself faaaarrr too much importance in my world.

end of little explanation.... :)

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