Monday, November 17, 2008

Full Moon November

Here on this enchanted hill where I have a home the moon rises from the sea north of town and sets beyond west, sailing over the bay for many hours. November nights turn warm and there is a mild breeze faintly stirring the trees. Here every element is alive and well, earth water air.... only fire needs special preparations. How I love the salamanders when they come to play in my cauldron! Strong, vital, well fed and full of play. They are harbingers of joy.

Tonight I sip herbal tea, a mix for purification bought in Glastonbury's Star Child courtyard shop. I have spent all day writing and recovering from last night's revels. It has been an active two days and it's time to retreat from the world a little and to plan the days to come.

My armchair is comfortable and through the open window comes the scent of jasmin mingled with lavender. Different yet matching scents, the sweetness of the one tempered by the slight citrus of the other. Books lie open near me and tempt me to continue working, if work it be to peruse topics which I love well.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Beltaine southern hemisphere

Beltaine is a state of mind, heart and soul... time is immaterial when one enters certain realities and so it was this Beltaine. Circles spin and then and now are the same space, we coexist with who we have always been and all those who must be..are.

Kernunnos and Keridwen are as strong and loyal as we need them to be...then they are even more so.... impregnating us with their essence, fecundity being an all encompassing thing.

Long night, long enough to stretch across centuries of linear time once the threshold is breached. The Siddhe danced on Beltaine night and they spied and played with human affairs, but with a gentle hand and smiling lips. Their magick is not made, they simply exist and by being teach us more than many mortal teachers can.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ostara, la llegada de la primavera

Cuando la vida comienza a emerger del vientre de la tierra y las serpientes salen del letargio para comenzar a popular la superficie de la tierra. Ostara cuyo simbolo es el huevo, que contiene infinita posibilidad. Primavera y su luna creciente, tiempo de doncellas de planas dando la primera flor de la sangre comenzando a despertar en las venas cuando un calido calor acaricia la piel.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Heptagram (Septagram or Elven star)

The Septagram is the symbol known as the “Seven Pointed Star.” It’s a particularly apt and powerful symbol for a complete planetary magick system because it shows the powers of the seven planets of classical astrology in balance. Balancing the seven powers, not avoiding one or the other, is the ultimate accomplishment of any practitioner of planetary magick.Numerological Correspondences
in the Model of Seven

1 - The One, the Universe, Everything. Magickal Law of Unity

2 - The chaotic and ordered universes. Magickal Law of Duality

3 - Time (Taken from breaking down the seven elements into 3 and four, the three being primal matter; where we come from; Gold; refined balanced matter; and spirit/aether; which is really hard to define, but includes connection to the One, Magickal ability, etc, but as defined from a present standpoint.) Magickal Law of Cause and Effect.

4 - Equilibrium, the balance of the four major elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water), without the aspect of the constant ebb and flow in balance created by time. Balance at one precise moment. Magickal Law of Dynamic Balance

5 - Mutation, created from the four major elements, plus aether/spirit. This creates a continually shifting elemental balance within the confines of the influence of time. This is a force that can be view from various "present" aspects of elemental balance, viewing the shifts that are occuring from one "present" moment to the next.

6 - Entity, this comes from the idea of Universal (1) Mutation (5) that forms a pattern (intelligence), and that the One (as stated in my previous ideas) wishes to keep a balance (4) within and between the two universes (2), which requires the force of Intelligent Will to do. Magickal Law of Intelligence

7- Reflection, as above, so below, we are reflections of the divine and can become divine by that right. This comes from entity (6) becoming the universe (1), from mutation (5) within the two universes (2), and from the perfect balance (4) of all of the elements within time (3).

Definition: The septagram, a continuously drawn figure having seven points, is far less common than the pentagram. It is however important in Western kabbalah, where it symbolizes the sphere of Netzach, the seven planets, the seven alchemical metals, and the seven days of the week. It is a sacred symbol to Wiccans who follow the "Faery" tradition, where it is called the Elven or Fairy star. The seven pointed star is also an important part of the seal of the A.A., the inner order of Aleister Crowley's OTO.

To draw the invoking heptagram of a planet, start at the point attributed to the planet and move clockwise. The banishing Heptagram is drawn by starting at the same point and going counter-clockwise. The glyph of the planet is drawn in the center of the completed Heptagram.

Also known as the Elven Star.


Since I was a little girl I was taught at school to draw this star. Its part of the national flag, minus the elemntal symbols. I always began to draw it at the lower left hand corner, earth banishing. Always driving away what I could not live with. What it spared me from, I dont know. maybe nothing, maybe much. Hand moving towards spirit always, from earth to spirit. reaching for the heavens while knowing I walked the earth.

Between sabbats, the new moon

The new moon hangs in the sky with upwardly tilted horns, and Venus the evening star lies at her feet. Not a time of harvest in the heavens, but an empty basket ready to be filled, the time before plenty. The image, our Lady of the harvest, to send the message that I have need, oh Goddess, I have need and I meet with myself and with You before the moon to ask for my need to be met. That is all. Simple. Necessary.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lammas 2008

Facing the challenge of getting to know aspects of the God. Seeking them out, in fact. My own way, not one imposed in any sense. A wall painting to kernunnos on my bedroom wall, properly charged. Now one of the Goddess to find, to even the polarities.

The still room

No, not a room which doesn't roam, nor usually a silent room. Mrs Beeton would have known at once not only what kind of room it is, al...