Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Heptagram (Septagram or Elven star)

The Septagram is the symbol known as the “Seven Pointed Star.” It’s a particularly apt and powerful symbol for a complete planetary magick system because it shows the powers of the seven planets of classical astrology in balance. Balancing the seven powers, not avoiding one or the other, is the ultimate accomplishment of any practitioner of planetary magick.Numerological Correspondences
in the Model of Seven

1 - The One, the Universe, Everything. Magickal Law of Unity

2 - The chaotic and ordered universes. Magickal Law of Duality

3 - Time (Taken from breaking down the seven elements into 3 and four, the three being primal matter; where we come from; Gold; refined balanced matter; and spirit/aether; which is really hard to define, but includes connection to the One, Magickal ability, etc, but as defined from a present standpoint.) Magickal Law of Cause and Effect.

4 - Equilibrium, the balance of the four major elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water), without the aspect of the constant ebb and flow in balance created by time. Balance at one precise moment. Magickal Law of Dynamic Balance

5 - Mutation, created from the four major elements, plus aether/spirit. This creates a continually shifting elemental balance within the confines of the influence of time. This is a force that can be view from various "present" aspects of elemental balance, viewing the shifts that are occuring from one "present" moment to the next.

6 - Entity, this comes from the idea of Universal (1) Mutation (5) that forms a pattern (intelligence), and that the One (as stated in my previous ideas) wishes to keep a balance (4) within and between the two universes (2), which requires the force of Intelligent Will to do. Magickal Law of Intelligence

7- Reflection, as above, so below, we are reflections of the divine and can become divine by that right. This comes from entity (6) becoming the universe (1), from mutation (5) within the two universes (2), and from the perfect balance (4) of all of the elements within time (3).

Definition: The septagram, a continuously drawn figure having seven points, is far less common than the pentagram. It is however important in Western kabbalah, where it symbolizes the sphere of Netzach, the seven planets, the seven alchemical metals, and the seven days of the week. It is a sacred symbol to Wiccans who follow the "Faery" tradition, where it is called the Elven or Fairy star. The seven pointed star is also an important part of the seal of the A.A., the inner order of Aleister Crowley's OTO.

To draw the invoking heptagram of a planet, start at the point attributed to the planet and move clockwise. The banishing Heptagram is drawn by starting at the same point and going counter-clockwise. The glyph of the planet is drawn in the center of the completed Heptagram.

Also known as the Elven Star.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Note that there are two heptagrams, the 7/2, and the 7/3. (7 for the points, and 2 or 3 for the number of points you skip when connecting the points.) You show the 7/2 in your image, which is used by Crowly's stuff and the Kabbalah stuff. The Wiccan stuff uses the 7/3, which is more pointy, with a smaller center. There's only one pentagram and one hexagram (star of david), but there's two heptagrams and octagrams, and three enneagrams and decagrams, and 4 11- and 12- grams, and so on.

I really wish I could find some jewelry of the 7/2, but the only two I could find just aren't quite to my taste. Shame. There's quite a bit more of the 7/3 version.

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