Monday, November 17, 2008

Full Moon November

Here on this enchanted hill where I have a home the moon rises from the sea north of town and sets beyond west, sailing over the bay for many hours. November nights turn warm and there is a mild breeze faintly stirring the trees. Here every element is alive and well, earth water air.... only fire needs special preparations. How I love the salamanders when they come to play in my cauldron! Strong, vital, well fed and full of play. They are harbingers of joy.

Tonight I sip herbal tea, a mix for purification bought in Glastonbury's Star Child courtyard shop. I have spent all day writing and recovering from last night's revels. It has been an active two days and it's time to retreat from the world a little and to plan the days to come.

My armchair is comfortable and through the open window comes the scent of jasmin mingled with lavender. Different yet matching scents, the sweetness of the one tempered by the slight citrus of the other. Books lie open near me and tempt me to continue working, if work it be to peruse topics which I love well.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Beltaine southern hemisphere

Beltaine is a state of mind, heart and soul... time is immaterial when one enters certain realities and so it was this Beltaine. Circles spin and then and now are the same space, we coexist with who we have always been and all those who must be..are.

Kernunnos and Keridwen are as strong and loyal as we need them to be...then they are even more so.... impregnating us with their essence, fecundity being an all encompassing thing.

Long night, long enough to stretch across centuries of linear time once the threshold is breached. The Siddhe danced on Beltaine night and they spied and played with human affairs, but with a gentle hand and smiling lips. Their magick is not made, they simply exist and by being teach us more than many mortal teachers can.

The still room

No, not a room which doesn't roam, nor usually a silent room. Mrs Beeton would have known at once not only what kind of room it is, al...