Monday, February 12, 2007

JOURNAL: Invoking the Goddess

Within, without, above, below....... where is the Goddess to be found? In my entrails, carried within the stream of my blood, in the darkness of the pupil of my right eye, or my left? Or is the Goddess found in you? Can She be found within you? male you? You greet me with persistent silence and I begin to seek you in the night, faraway friend of my soul. Shall I be insistent as wind when angered, as insistent as pounding surf, as the aeons since we first grew into each other? from within the witch I think I shall awake the enchantress until you can deny me no more, until I am a fervour in the light that touches you in the dawn of your awakening. Until your breath suddenly grows shallow and you inhale my scent or drown, until the memory of me is etched on the inner surface of your eyelids. And this is not love......

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The still room

No, not a room which doesn't roam, nor usually a silent room. Mrs Beeton would have known at once not only what kind of room it is, al...